The Passing Out Parade is one of the most religiously followed traditions of St. Paul’s, remembered by every Paulite, all through his life. It is interesting to know that, what is being followed as the POP today in schools all over, was initially started by St. Paul’s in Belgaum, before the rest of the schools followed.

On the 24th of February 1955, a new event was introduced into the calendar of St. Paul’s High School, — the Torch Ceremony. That day in the morning assembly, the SSC (Std XI) boys marched down the steps of the Secondary Building for the last time, two by two, led by Reynold D’Souza, who held a flaming torch in his hand. Some weeks before he had been elected Best Boy of the SSC batch by the boys of the higher classes and was given the Bishop Michael Rodrigues and also the Fr. Peter do Rozario scholarships.
When all the boys came on to the road in front of the assembled school, they stood facing their companions. The whole staff stood behind them. Then a student of Std X made a valedictory speech on behalf of the staff and students. Reynold then replied on his own and the SSC boys behalf. He then went with the torch to the monitor of each class, who touched it. Finally he handed it to the monitor of Std X. By this simple gesture an idea about the Alumni expressed by Fr. Irineu Lobo S.J., the Principal in 1946 was fulfilled: “They pass on the torch of noble traditions of St.Paul’s to us. With a large heart and an open mind: ‘Induamur Arma Lucis’.”
Next year the parents were present for the Torch ceremony. While Pascoal Pereira and the SSC boys stood at attention, the other classes marched past. Pascoal then passed on the torch to the four House Commanders who later chaired him. The S.S.C. boys then marched out in a slow march. Thus began the tradition of the Passing out Parade together with the earlier tradition of handing down the torch to the next batch.
In the evening, that day, the S.S.C. boys had tea with the Fathers, Masters and Teachers. Before they departed, the S.S.C. boys in the dying moments of the evening took a solemn pledge by the flicker of candle lights that in the years to come they would be the shining lights of St. Paul’s.
Today all these various events – the farewell salute of their companions, the march past, the handing down of the torch, the pledge taken with lighted lamps in their hands and the actual passing out from the school, all form one highly impressive and emotional pageant in the dying rays of the fading sun. This is a very important and memorable event in the life of every St.Paul’s boy passing out of the school.
However, many of the trappings, which had partly been copied from the ‘elite hill schools’ like the blazer and special uniform made for that one day, the chairing of the Boy of the Year, blasting of crackers symbolizing a guns’ salute, a formal farewell dinner for the boys and staff, and cutting of a special cake have all been dropped. Instead of all the external show, pomp and pageantry, the focus is now no more on a single individual, but on the whole batch, and on the pledge to live by the values and traditions taught by generations of Fathers, masters, teachers – summed up in the words “May we be the shining lights of St. Paul’s”. The words of the pledge have remained almost untouched from the beginning. For this solemn event the Paulite Alumni of Dar-es-salam prepared a silver shield engraved with a boy holding a torch, to be presented as a rolling trophy to the Boy of the Year.
The emotions of each boy on that day have been beautifully captured by Aqdas Kader in his farewell speech as Boy of the Year, at the Torch Ceremony on the 28th February 1960: “Friends, let us always remain loyal and trusted bands of our Alma Mater – in sunshine and shade, true, pure and steadfast; and however perilous life’s journey may be and however far removed from one another, let us ever turn to this beacon that is St. Paul’s. May the memory of this Blue and Gold and the splendour of our School motto, “Let us put on the Armour of Light” bind us all in spirit into one common bond forever and forever.”
Early Traditions… | Cutting of a special cake, probably at the end of the Passing Out Parade. | Carrying of the Best Boy around the school. | Recent Times… The Passing Out Parade – 2012
Pledge of the SSLC Students
Almighty, Everlasting God, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, who enlightens every man who comes into this world. Guide us as we leave the light-filled paths of our beloved school for the different ways of life. Like the tiny flames that we hold in our feeble hands, may we be the shining lights of St. Paul’s by the purity of our lives, the nobility of our ideals and the sincerity of our service. May we dedicate our lives to help especially the poor, the oppressed and the exploited in the service of God and our country. Enlighten us with your wisdom, and strengthen us with your grace, so that we may shed your light around us and so shine before men that we may always glorify you, Our Father in heaven