The School Anthem and the Prayers went hand in hand, during the mid 1950’s when the words of the Anthem were taken from a Christian Hymn. Later, the Anthem “Cheer Boys Cheer,” was composed and has been sung ever since, by Paulites for half a Century, till date.
The earliest reference to the Anthem can be seen in an entry in the school magazine ‘Young Authors’ of 1951-52. It states: “The New Year (1952) brings newness to our school life. From the first week of January we have our daily assembly on the main ground, in front of the new school building. The whole School meets, Fr. Principal — says a prayer with him, listens to his words of advice, encouragement, praise or warning, as the case may be, and ends up singing together “Holy God we praise Thy name”. (This was the initial Anthem when Fr. George A Rego SJ was Vice Principal ie Dec 1950, and later Principal).
The words of the School Anthem ‘Holy God we praise your name’ were taken from a Christian hymn. However, only the first stanza of the hymn was taken while a second stanza was composed separately for the school.
The Initial Anthem
Holy God, we praise Thy Name;
Lord of all, we bow before Thee!
All on earth Thy scepter claim,
All in Heaven above adore Thee;
Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign.
When Fr. A. Rehm SJ was Principal, the new School Anthem ‘Cheer Boys Cheer’ was composed and used according to the testimony of some at the time. While the earlier anthem had a calm, reverential tune, and was like a prayer of praise to God, the new tune was rousing, lively, catchy, and is more a song about the school, which has been a rallying point for all Paulites from that time on.
The New Anthem
Cheer boys, Cheer,
Cheer the Blue and Gold
Hail to thee O St. Paul’s! (Twice)
We thy loyal trusted band
We will ever be true
Light bearers and labourers
True and pure and steadfast
Chorus: Let’s put on the armour light
Glory of St. Paul’s
Let’s put on the armour light
Fight for God and Country.
Alma Mater,
Our friend and guide
Stay in shade and sunshine (twice)
Lend us light and wisdom lore
Ne’er to fail or falter
Be life’s journey perilous
Thou to us a beacon!